The empowering journey of two women who cross Northwest Africa to share the stories of courage and strength of other inspiring females.
GUTS is a biographical, adventure documentary that tells the story of Patrizia Bruno and Marie Pfisterer, two women that cross Northwest Africa with a 4×4. An on-the-road surf expedition, a moving tale that gives a new perspective on female traveling, women empowerment, reconnection with nature and freedom. It tells the stories of all the inspiring African women that step by step wrote their own success stories by listening to their guts — a captivating documentary aiming to encourage other women to listen to their gut feelings until the end of the road.

The African voyage was captured through the eyes and lens of Marie and Patrizia. Throughout five months of car breakdowns, unimaginable scenery, inspiring encounters with female heroes from Africa, and hundreds of kilometres of driving, their camera kept rolling. The raw and authentic moments on the road, the stories of strong female characters that dared to listen to their guts, the unexpected inner transformation that takes place when you are out of your comfort zone, exploring the most unknown parts of ourselves and our Earth.
Marie shared with us about the main idea of this project. She said the mission is to give a voice to the new approach, to seek a new perspective, to shake up the order of the world and look at it through the eyes of those who have decided not to give up and believe in their own vision.
“What we want to do with GUTS is to tell success stories, to provide a positive view of women, from a feminine perspective, without taboos, without stereotypes. We want all women and secluded human beings in this world to say to themselves, if that woman in Mauritania did it, if that girl in Senegal had the courage, then I can do it too. We want to infect the world with this positive revolution,” she added.
“Why GUTS need to be told?” we asked Patrizia Bruno.
She paused before replying, “It really can make the difference, and not only in between you and me, but for all the next generation of young girls and boys all around Africa and Europe, and everywhere else in the world. We want them to watch it and understand that if we made it, if these women made it, we can all make it, we can reach our goals, no matter how big and crazy they might seem. We want everyone out there to know that it doesn’t matter where you come from, if you dare to listen to your GUTS, you’ll find a way!”

After Patrizia’s words we made a conclusion. It is a film with a universal message and we want all the people out there to know that it doesn’t matter where you come from, if you believe enough in something, if you put all your heart and energy into it it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen right there in front of you and it’s going to surprise you with miracles you have never expected.
It’s almost done. Finally, we thought Maria and Patricia should have the last word.
“To reach the big screens, to be able to share this story we need to raise an additional 15,000 € or the film will not get made.
Wow, 15,000 € can look like a big sum, but with your support, we can totally do it.
It looks far more achievable if we consider the following: if all the members of our GUTS community participate in it with any of the rewards, we already hit the goal. The best part is, you can all be part of this incredible project and help GUTS come to life and get your name listed in the credits of the film. So, spread the message, share it with your friends and community, together we can make a film that will truly make a difference!
We thank you a million times for your trust and donations. As soon as our Kickstarter campaign reaches our expected goal and the end of our Kickstarter campaign has come, we will go ahead with the post-production of the documentary, which should be released on film festivals in 2024.”
Patrizia & Marie
Photographers: Alexis Rossi, Jo Savage, Kamal Abad.
Words by Patrizia Bruno and Marie Pfisterer.
Special thanks: Jo, Lisa, Nokte Studio, Paul, Rachael, Mackenzie, Vero, Luigi, Alex, Fifi, Alexis, Christelle, Adeele, Victoria, Maria, Erwann, Laurent, Sashiko, Thierry, Aida, Niko, Taha, Victor, Marta, Moritz and others.